25 Jun, 2023 .
Terrible breaking-💔heart-breakingnews for my nails fetishists. I have to make them shorter for my offline UNI days. I can't dodge doing things distantly this time; yes, it has to be good-gal style for 2 weeks, lordy
25 Jun, 2023 .
I know it sounds like "yes", but in fact, this is "NO". Just trust a sexologist, just no. Yes, I know, it's shiny. Yes, I know, it looks seductively goldy ;) But trust me, for your #sissysubmissive #pussies; this is a 100% disaster. Who takes care of your pussies? #Mistress does
17 May, 2023 .
On International Day Against Homo, Bi & Transphobia, time to remember so far #sissy_boy s are still pariahs, stuck somewhere in the middle between the so-called norm & minority. No cool! I see you, I study you,& I'll take care of you before u learn to do it yourself #IDAHOBIT
13 May, 2023 .
But this party left me with quite controversial feelings, like I unleashed my sadistic nature, stripped down my vice principal, a Catholic, a mother of 3, disgracefully and shamelessly taking advantage of the drunk, wasted and possibly a bit high older mature woman, humiliated and sexually abused her. And the worst part of this party is that tomorrow we are going to pretend it never happened… dot dot dot lol
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