Tyna Fox
- Rating
- Edad 20
- Sexo Mujer
- Ubicación Sídney, Australia
- Orientación sexual Bisexual
- Habla English, Spanish
- Ojos Azul
- Cabello Negro
- Complexión Delgada
- Tamaño de senos Pequeña: A-B
Hi, I'm Tyna, a cheerful, happy, happy, enthusiastic woman, I like tattoos and pircing
I am an extroverted girl I like to play dirty I am a naughty and very playful I love doing bad things I am a lover to the tattoos, new experiences I love the Afrodiciac food and travel. Knowing new places I am super open of mind and willing to the new challenges and experiences I am new and I want a lot of adventures
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Tyna Fox
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